Pay Online and access your child’s record with FollowMyHealth™ Patient Portal!

An online, innovative tool that provides anywhere, anytime access to your personal health records, and enables you to take a proactive role in managing your child’s care.
For Existing Account Users Only
Account must be created through an emailed invitation link. If you have not requested or received an email invite from RPA, please call the office.
For Those Without An Account
Call us at (703) 450-8660 for an invitation to our patient portal!
See Statements and pay your bills conveniently online.
Communicate privately with provider
via secure non-urgent messaging.
Schedule or change an appointment
for your child.
Request a prescription refill.
Manage your child’s medical profile.
Request a referral before your child’s visit to a specialist.
Utilize this service on any computer,
tablet, or smart phone.
Easily access your doctor and
manage your family’s health.
Parents, as proxy for your child, you will create one profile where you can add all of your children.
In compliance with HIPAA regulations, you will be required to create your own account, even if a HIPPA form is on record with RPA. Request your own email invitation to set up an account. You can then share that login and password with your parents if you desire to grant them access to your information.
Please call the office with any portal questions you have.
You can get started as a FMH user by registering through an email invitation sent from Reston Pediatrics Associates. This can be done by calling our office and requesting a portal invitation.
Be sure to enter PARENT or PATIENT information as specified on the form.
During business hours you will receive an email invitation that contains a link to the FMH window where you can activate your account.
1. Click Sign up & Connect.
2. Enter YOUR date of birth
3. You will need your ‘security code’, which is your oldest child’s YEAR of birth.
4. After a brief wait you will be redirected to your portal home page where you can activate and access your account for the first time.
5. There is a short video or help instructions available.
6. Your profile will be in the top right hand corner. Click on your name to get to your child(ren)’s profile(s).
7. Bookmark the link for future access.
You can reset your password if you have forgotten it, however FMH does not store your login name. If you have forgotten your login contact RPA to reset your account by sending you a new email invitation.
You can email through the website or call 703-450-8660 with questions.
If you already have a FMH account you need to request an email invitation if you have not registered all your children. Please follow these instructions to complete the registration for other children.
From the static toolbar
1. click My Account
2. Login to the portal
3. Click on Hello
4. Click Patient’s Name
5. Under Appointments on the right side of the screen click Request
6. Select Reston Pediatric Associates and your desired Provider’s Name. For Appointment Type, select Other and write the reason for your appointment in the box to the right.
7. Make your selection for the day and time frame, as far out as you wish. Click Add this time slot, which will transfer your desired day and time selection to the box to the right. You can add several request options.
8. Add any comments in the Comments box.
9. When ready, hit Submit
You can reset your password if you have forgotten it, however FMH does not store your login name. If you have forgotten your login contact RPA to reset your account by sending you a new email invitation.
You can email through the website or call 703-450-8660 with questions.
If you already have a FMH account you need to request an email invitation if you have not registered all your children. Please follow these instructions to complete the registration for other children.
From the static toolbar
1. click My Account
2. Login to the portal
3. Click on Hello
4. Click Patient’s Name
5. Select one of the options listed under My Health tab
Please note that Results and Documents are not automatically populated, but in certain cases we can make them available.
Weight and Height graphs can be viewed under the Vitals tab by clicking on the pie icon.
Please note that these charts are simply projecting measurements data and don’t provide percentile information.
From the static toolbar
1. click My Account
2. Login to the portal
3. Click on Hello
4. Click Patient’s Name
5. Click Inbox
6. An Emergency Message Disclaimer box will pop up. Click Compose and Ok
7. Within the Compose Email window select the name of your provider, add a Subject line, and type your message in the Body
8. Click Send
9. If the message went through, a confirmation window will pop-up saying Email Sent
10. Once your message has been reviewed and a reply sent back, you will be able to view it in your Inbox.
Please note: sometimes you might receive a callback instead of an email if more information is needed to answer your concern, or if the answer could be an extensive one.
From the static toolbar
1. click My Account
2. Login to the portal
3. Click on Hello
4. Click Patient’s Name
5. From the My Health tab click on Medications
6. Click on the bottle icon
7. In the pop-up window type in your request and hit Send. Your request will be delivered to the provider who initially prescribed the medication. You can expect the refill to be sent to pharmacy within 1-2 days.
Please note: in some cases the patient might be required to come in for an evaluation/ follow-up before we can fill the medicine. If so, you will receive a callback from one of our staff members.
From the static toolbar
1. click My Account
2. Login to the portal
3. Click on My Connections
4. Click on Reston Pediatric Associates and the providers will display in a dropdown.
6. Find your Primary Provider, select the drop-down arrow, and select Request a Referral
7. In Referred to type the Specialist’s full name, location, practice name, and fax number. All details are required. If these are not received we might not have enough information to send you a referral.
8. In Reason for Referral state why you want to be referred.
7. Add any additional information in the Comments.
8. The first appointment with provider date will default to today. You will need to select the desired date for the appointment. When finished, click Send.
Please note: in some cases the patient might be required to come in for an evaluation. If so, you will receive a callback from one of our staff members.
From the static toolbar
1. click My Account
2. Login to the portal
3. Click on Hello
4. Click Patient’s Name
5. Go to Home tab and scroll down
6. Under Billing on the right side, Click on Pay.
7. To pay an invoice, you can either select Pay All Invoices to pay all of the outstanding invoices listed, or select a single invoice from the list.
The invoice amount is displayed in the Pay Now box.
8. Click Pay Now.
The organization’s web page opens.
9. Enter the required information and click Process Transaction.
A confirmation receipt window opens if the transaction is successful and an email is sent to your Patient portal inbox.
Billing questions can also be sent when you compose an email from your Inbox. The Is this a billing question check box is displayed on Compose Email to indicate the email message is a billing question.
Patient Responsibility – Displays the invoices that you owe to Reston Pediatrics. The list format includes date of service, invoice number, provider, procedures, charges, and amount due.
Pending with Insurance – Displays the invoices that have been submitted to insurance.
Paid Invoices – Displays invoices that have been paid in full.
Didn’t find what you need here? Contact us to let us know how we can help.
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